Welcome to the Ozone and our adventures!
Some good looking Boletes.
The Oregon Coast range rainforest is like going back in time to the Jurassic. Plants seem to be growing wildly from everywhere (and everything) and life springs forth abundantly from them.
The lush forest contains old growth, ancient trees hundreds of years old in species such as Sitka and Douglas Fir which can rival the size of Redwoods and are often cloaked in a fur of moss.
Grassy meadows and sandy bogs punctuate the thick arbor giving a myriad of mushrooms a variety of different opportunities to flamboyantly flaunt their unique shapes and colors.
Handfuls of Chanterelles!
In the Autumn, the glorious golden Chanterelles start to pop out of the loamy, pine needle littered forest floor. There’s always great rejoicing, these mushrooms are delicious and it’s fun to ‘hound’ something other than rocks. It’s foraging instead of fossicking!
The Coast Range is a wonderful place to go Mountain biking, hike, camp, and see wonderful wildlife!