Susan Farnham

Oil Painting, Mixed Media


Prayer Flags

Susan Farnham is local to the Oregon Coast but also travels abroad to Nepal, her husband's native land. She depicts both oceanic themes from the Pacific Northwest but also perspectives from her travels through exotic terrain. Prayer flags are hung from trees in Nepal with sutras on them to be taken by the wind to the heavens. They can rank the trees like colorful spiderwebs fading to white over time.


Oregon Oils

Susan has an incredible way of depicting texture, rhythm, and color in her work. Creating the look of transparency is a recurrent theme while her actual paint application is luxuriously heavy. Susan uses native Oregon oils from Walnut as opposed to the traditional linseed oils. These are heavily pigmented oils for radiant translation of hues.


Varying Degrees of Abstraction

Susan's representational work is refreshingly deconstructed to some degree and her abstracts are pleasurably structured. 


Fit to Print in the news

Susan created an abstracted body of work on upcycled newspaper printing plates. This is a perfect fit for the ReNEW, ReCLAIM, ReMIND show of 2018.


Journeys into the trees

Trees pop up in a large amount of Susan's body of work. The 'Tree' section of the current show features her work from a Heron on the 808 Trail to Rhododendron Forest in Nepal.