
>69% SIO2


A Cross Section of Chaos

Igneous rock is always such an exciting concept. They are literally partially melted rocks responding to the heat of the earth’s core and comingling with each other in volcanic romantic interludes. With all the possible recipes of minerals to throw into what the planet is cooking up, we have an impressive buffet of colorful designs created in a stone called Rhyolite.


Lava stone

Imagine the partially melting rocks flowing in a viscous lava. The lava contains all sorts of colorful minerals dependent on location. The interplay of the minerals and silicates are reminiscent of fruit setting in a jello mould. Colors, brecciation, druzy quartz, and fortification congeal to make some magnificent shows of hue and form.


Rough Extrusion

This rough is really rough stuff. Rhyolite varies from looking very much like granite to looking like a confetti embedded disco ball. Many of the magnificent forms created by the bonding of the minerals are appreciated by close observation rather than large impact.


Eggshells and Opal Rinds

The matrix material for Thunder Eggs and many opals is Rhyolite. It comes in drab to radiant colors with varying degrees of silicates. In some cases, the silicates leach out of the lava/Rhyolite and into a void like a lava bubble or Thunderegg. Some really fabulous Rhyolites surround empty Thundereggs. Some of the most superb common opal I’ve found has been in Rhyolite as well as precious opal residing in rhyolites in other parts of the world.


Volcanic Proportions

Because of the detail graced upon each stone by the volcanic disposition, Rhyolite is never the same stone twice. Every color of the rainbow is represented along with flashes of crystals, metals, and anything goes. Every place that we have traveled, the Rhyolite has been different enough to serve as a fingerprint. Each piece created is unique to a region and the instance of its experience.

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