Welcome to the Ozone and our adventures!
It’s been too long since we did some sandcasting, and we’re making it right during the cold weather this winter. Sand casting is a wonderful way to create original subjects to cast, but also make pieces from marvels such as fossil ammonites and fossil shark teeth. Here, we see the original Sand Tiger Shark that was collected by a friend in Florida. Beneath it, there’s the freshly cast replica in sterling silver. What do we do with it once it’s cast? The sky is the limit! Check out the upcoming Blog and videos on why Sand Casting is so hot and cool.
Ever since the Kinsley North Nova 6 cabochon machine came into our lives, we’ve been full of cabbing madness. Every moment that isn’t devoted to other studio activities is jubilantly spent on the new cabber. We’ve been working with Arizona Rockhound Expeditions material, Gemfield Chalcedony, Oregon Fire Opal, and some wonderful Azurite Chrysocolla (pictured here) among other things. Nothing is safe in the studio, as we want to see just how shiny we can make all these stones and gems.
Here’s one of those new cabochons off the new machine! This is Red Plume Agate from Arizona Rockhound Expeditions, the cabochon sitting on top of the original rough material in the picture. These freeform cabochons that we’ve been making, go perfectly onto cuffs with thick silver bezels and wonderful mele stones to accent. This piece includes white topaz and garnet, with the copper cuff embossed with hydrangea blossom. What a great piece to summon spring with!
Lately, on our YouTube channel OzoneFineArt-Ventures , we have been hosting ‘Studio Livestreams’ where a few different lapidary artists and jewelry creators work with our cameras on, in real time, for your entertainment. It’s been wonderful to watch how different people work, share techniques, ask questions in real time, and watch beautiful things be created. Make sure to subscribe to the YouTube channel so you don’t miss a Maker’s Challenge or any of the videos showing us out getting these gemstones and rocks to work with. Plenty of live studios and adventures coming up in the coming weeks!
Over on Youtube, we also have a membership side of the channel where extra content is placed. If you enjoy watching the process side of the jewelry and lapidary, that kind of video content will be on the membership side of the channel. We will also post extra footage and special previews from upcoming videos as a special thanks for your support. If you’re interested check out OzoneFineArt-Ventures where you can see all the regular videos and livestreams, and can sign up to be a member for less than a cup of coffee a month. All the proceeds go to funding the platforms to launch the livestreams and items to bring you video from our adventures (like cameras, mics, editing programs, memory, etc.). Thanks for your support!
Welcome our newest member of the family. He’s kind of shy, but very flamboyant at the same time. He’s just getting used to the crazy surroundings, but he also still needs a name. If you have any suggestions, use the contact page to let us know, or you can leave a comment on any of our videos too. I’m just the slightest bit distracted by him, he’s easy to watch, and the time flies by.
Owyhee would love to hear from you!
We’d all love to hear from you, Contact Us with any inquiries of comments you may have and sign up for the mailing list so that we can keep in touch. Cheers!